Useful React Libraries
Hi, I’m Kishen Deemud. In this article I will give you an introduction about most important react libraries. React Material UI First one is React Material UI. What it gives is a set of components that's styled after google's material design. The upside to using this library is that it greatly speeds up the development. You get a solid base that's been around since 2014. And you get consistent load that people know and trust. You can install it using npm install @material-ui/core And also you need to include link tags to use the font or font icons. If you want to use SVG icons, you would also use npm install @material-ui/icons Using these components is a very straightforward, you import the component that you need into your code and use it in your jsx definition, and can change it's properties suit your needs. So this library is very easy to use. You can speed up your development. And it's great for things like building and mvp really quickly.